Friday, October 21, 2011


Through this whole thing I have met a lot of AMAZING people. People that probably would have never met if not for this accident. People are have big big hearts. Naomi for wanting to do something. Poor lady something that started small seemed to turn into something huge. Corrie for helping Naomi with everything. I am guessing she helped keep Naomi some what sane. Thank you two sooo much. You never had to do anything and for you wanting to do it good karma is coming your way for sure. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!

Nancy and her husband are angels. Talk about beautiful souls! They are amazing human beings. From the very first day I met Nancy she has been a blessing. Her and her husband found a van for Kenzie so she isn't stuck in the nursing home. This is a huge stress reliever for m aunt and uncle. Give Nancy a mission and she will figure it out. She's a beautIful person. Very thankful to have her in my life.

I get a lot of different messages from people everyday that want to help out. One day I got a message from a girl names Katie from Helena who really wanted to help out. So she went out of way d ordered these awesome new bracelets. She use one of the quotes from Kenzies facebook status' "do what they say can't be done". BEAUTIFUL. She also went to her church and talked about Kenzie's situation. AMAZING! Did I mention Katie has never met me or any of my family. Thank you Katie for everything!

I met Twyla when all this first happened. She had never met my family either. But she started the first fundraiser by sitting at Albertsons and selling magnets, stickers, shirts and raffle tickets. She always got me more when I needed. She such a sweet lady. I'd like to also thank the lady who donated her time and supplies for making the first 200!

To everyone that has put time in the fundraisers. People that donated items. For the people who came to the fundraisers. People that have sold and bought everything that has been for sale. And to the people that take the time to read facebook. this blog, and kaylas blog. And for everyone that is praying. I thank you!! You have all been a major blessing to our family!!

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