Saturday, October 8, 2011

Bitter Sweet

Today seems hard. Seeing pictures of Kenzie everywhere really makes it a reality for me. I hate right now we have to do a fund raiser for Kenzie. I wish she was here to enjoy this with us today.

I am extremely sad and honored. I am sad because well does there really have to be a reason?

But all the people helping out and all of the donations are amazing. I can't even being to tell you everything that has been donated...think of it and its probably being auctions. Naomi, Nancy and Corrie have done an amazing job! Thank you ladies you have made this journey we are on a little bit easy.

Thank you Rebecca for keeping me busy and bumming around. Thank you Kaylas friends for keeping her company I know she really needed some friend time!!

This is short and sweet because I have to finish getting ready so I can kick Kaylas butt in the dance off..BOOM!

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