Thursday, September 22, 2011

high fives!!

(again the majority of this post was done on my phone)

Yesterday my friend Fawna and I walked around our hometown passing out fliers for the raffle/fundraiser they are doing in Lewistown. Its amazing to me how nice people are. It makes my heart melt everytime some stopped to read it. I cant blame them with kenzies big smile on the page how could you not stop? After we put them up i got more requests for bracelets. How amazing!! And someone wanting to donate a quilt. Just great people!!!

I'd like to take time to thank some people who have made this whole situation a little bearble. If I forget anyone I apologize.

Kayla-for letting me vent to you. I know you have a lot going on in your life but you listen to me on my bad days and I appreciate you soo much and love you soo much!

Room mate (Nicole)-For putting up with me every day

Sarah- for texting me and facebooking me just to make sure I am ok. You have a ton going on in your life so you taking the time to see how I am means soo much to me!

Ashley- Thank you for doing errands for me and for visiting Kenzie. I don't know if I could of done it without you

Fawna-for making the "long" walk around town and understand sometimes a girl just needs a vodka

Jackson- for putting up with my crazy :)

Heather (sister)- For helping me out with anything I ask for. You are the reason I am still somewhat sane!

Jeni (sister-in-law)-for getting me at 2 am drunk and having a mental breakdown, for the hugs you seem to know when I really need one. helping me with projects and letting me vent without judging me.

Shane (brother)- for just being my brother and taking me fishing!

My parents- for understanding that somedays I just need to be left alone

Ryan- for answering all my silly medical questions and explaining it to me in normal person language!

town of roundup for being just awesome!

the gals at the flowershop- for selling bracelets, donating and the flowers!!

town of cut bank for making the first fundraiser soo sucessfu!!

to everyone that donated the list is too big to name you all!!

cousin tanya- thank you for all your help and time!!

starr- for being there for kayla. i am positive your the one that keeps her sane!

naomi and the lewistown gal- thank you for you time and deidication. i know how much time and hard work it takes to "throw" a fundraiser together. so thank you soo much.

to everyone that has to listen to me obsess about kenzie :)

to my aunt soni and uncle randy- you have been amazing. You answer every question I bother you with and you let me come bother you guys! I love you guys so much thats nothing new!!

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