Saturday, September 17, 2011


(side note: most of this post was written on my phone so I apologize now if its not written good at all haha)

The night of the accident I was at work. I had planned on working past my 8 hours so I could get as many hours in before my vacation. Well, as I walking pack to the desk I decided to check facebok really fast. I was reading updates and was actually going to creep on a status kenz had posted earlier that day (what it said I do not even recall). When I saw Kaylas name on facebook obviously I had to stop and look. When I saw "Please pray for my little sister" I was hoping it was a joke they were doing. I tried to read the comments but the first one I saw was something about a hospital. I saw that word and had to brace myself.I called kayla and as soon as I heard her crying I had to sit down. I remember what she said "Kenzie has been in an accident she has a head injury and her brain is really hurt the doctors say its really bad." I didnt know what to say or how to act. Igot off the phone and just sat there shocked. My coworker was asking questions about work and the only thing I could do was ignore her and call my mom. after I got off the phone I decided I better go home. I called and texted my family that I had numbers for. when I got home I sat in my car when it started to rain it felt like the world was crying for me. I couldn't feel anything at that point and I all of sudden had a lot of energy. It took all I had to lay down in bed without going crazy.

While laying in bed I got a text from my uncle Randy saying Kenzie got in a bad accident and she was being flown to Great Fallls if I could call and let me parents know. As soon as I got that I knew it was really bad. That night I think I got a total of 2 hours of sleep. The next day was my birthday so I was getting texts and calls in the early am telling me happy birthday. I also got an early wake up call asking if I could work 7-5 since people called in sick. As I was getting ready for work I just started bawling. Putting on my makeup was pointless because I had to keep redoing it. I am sure my roommate thought I was crazy with me talking to myself. I kept saying "Katie you got to pull it together. She's going to be fine. Your going to be fine." Work helped because I stayed busy and got through my day without another tear. The day after that I tried my hardest to make it through work. But I just couldn't take it anymore I had to get to her. So I left work early and me and my friend Ashley started our vaca a little early and spent a few hours with Kenzie.

The first time I saw Kenzie in the was, well theres not really a word for how I really felt. We got there and I got this energy all of sudden and I felt sick to my stomache. I had no idea what I was going to see. When I got to the room she looked huge. She was so swollen. As soon as I thought I was going to cry someone told me to put hand sanitizer on and it snapped me out of the wanting to cry. Standing next to her was difficult I felt very scared. I didn't want to touch her, I was afraid to touch her. I did touch her hand. We left at midnight when the night nurse kicked us out.

On our way back from our vaca we stopped at the hospital again. This time Kenz was in a surgery so I saw my uncle for a quick second then we went and saw Kayla. But as soon as I walked out of the hospital leaving my uncle I broke down. I couldn't even try to stop crying even if I tried. Thank God for friends. I saw Kayla and she looked so put together. I been so proud of Kayla through all of this. She is learning so much about herself and life out of this and the whole world gets to see her struggle and succed every day. She's such an amazing person. I love her more and more everyday. People see what she writes on her blog and her facebook. But they don't see her in the hospital holding her sisters hand, doing her nails, or standing in the hall way crying. No one see's any of that. I love her so much for the little things that no one will ever see. I am so proud of her putting her heart and soul into her writing. She never holds back on her feelings and that is such a powerful quality to have! I love you Kayla!!

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