Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bad Ass Chick? I'd Say So!

Well it seems that Kenzie likes to make me look like a fool. One day I was talking about how she needs to open her eyes and wake up. and then I believe that week she did. Now I am writing about her not moving her limbs well here take a look for yourself. Hours after I posted my last blog this is what I saw on facebook.

Days like that makes me know Kenzie is still in there. She gives really mean faces, which sometimes hurt as bad as her punches I am sure. She gives a silly smile.

 She is always mad at me it seems. She sleeps so much everytime I go there. So this last time I tried to make it up to her and give her a manuicure and get her ready for the big football game this weekend. Of course she was a stubborn brat the whole time making fists and stretching and ruining it. Funny thing is when I was writing on her finger "CATS" and "FTG" she said completely still and didn't move anything. Shes a stinker!

Her hair is getting super long and soon she will look like a real girl again sorry Uncle Randy. They looked like twins here take a look at the twins in action.

She got a van. Thanks too Mike and Nancy Moline! Those two rock at life plain and simple. Now she gets to go on adventures. Me and Kayla want to take her to see breaking dawn.

Since the fundraisers have seemed to stop I feel compeletly helpless. I like to stay busy. So to give me something to do I am starting some projects. If you would like to help or know of anyone that would like to help. Here are my ideas that are still in the brainstorming stage.

I'd like to do a dance for Lewistown high school or junior high. I plan to try to do this off of the school so I don't have to get any sort of permission. I can easily find a dj for this. I know some amazing people. I just need to find a date and location. Also suggestions rather high school or junior high.

I also would like to put on a masquarde ball. I am not sure where yet. But some place. I would need to find a good band, for super cheap who would love to donate their time. If you have any suggestions on this I would love it. I would love to make this an annual thing.

This summer time I would like to find an outdoor venue and get some bands and people that just love music thing. I want to call this event "shaking it for Kenzie" I would like to make this an annual event also. Someday we will be able to put the money raised at this event to kids with brain injuries. These are just thoughts that are going through my head if you would like to help, give me ideas, or know some people please let me know I can use all the help I can get.

email me at ktzarn@gmail.com

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