Friday, December 30, 2011

2011-part 1

It's almost 2012.

I can honestly say that I am so ready for 2011 to be over.

In the begining of 2011 I had to set out a goal to better myself. To get healthy and to grow up.

I had started going to the gym and started going less. I was starting to feel really good about myself. My friend Ashley and I were going to reward ourselves with a trip to Calgary for the Stampede and a Kenny Chesney concert.

I was in a good place for most things in my life.

July 11th. My world crumbled.

I turned 25 on the 12th of July.

Visited Kenzie in the ICU. Then Ashley and I went on to Calgary. This trip was not as fun as I had planned. The whole trip I kept waiting for a message saying that Kenzie didn't make it. I felt so lost. How could so much change with one phone call? How would life change for the family?

I some how lost my drivers license on this trip.

As soon as I got back to the States started working on the first fund raiser. It was stressful and chaotic. But honestly we had such an amazing turn out. The Cut Bank community is one of a kind and I am glad I have gotten to know so many amazing people from there.

The next fund raiser I really had nothing to do. Just trying to help in any way I can.

At this time I was going to Great Falls every week.

If I got sleep I was lucky. I was super emotional. Super lost.

Found out my friends dad had cancer. Blog about John

I think I had so much stress that I ended up messing up back some how after the fund raiser in Lewistown. I missed work and was misserable I slept for like 3 days straight.

After the fund raiser I realised I didn't have my passport anymore. Still missing.

As I was getting ready to go visit Kenzie and go to my cousins baby shower. I got in a car wreck leaving DMV and on my way out of town. My head lights were out it was 5 pm. Had to post pone my trip until I got my moms tire fixed.

I left town the next day and decided to make a detour and see a friend and have a drink because I felt like being some place where no one knew me. I needed a break from myself. Here I met a pretty neat guy. He has been the best thing that has come out of my misfortune for this year. I am pretty lucky for that.

Got accepted back to College

Was suppose to go visit Kayla and Starr again but life happens and I wasn't able. :(

Won Best Costume on Halloween.

Had a Thanksgiving with no turkey.

Boyfriend left Montana.

Was suppose to meet new baby cousin. Life happened and I wasn't able to do that.

Had an interview with the Gazette about Kenzie (Keep an eye out for this, trust me I will be posting a link or letting you fine people know when it happens)

Car took forever to get fixed.

Had to take car back in.

Work didn't pay me for commission

There was a glitch with my card out of the thousands of people in the system I was one of 12 that this happened too.

Got to finally meet new baby cousin and got to spend time with Kayla, Kenzie, Randy and Soni.

News Article came out

Boyfriend came back to visit! :)

Thing I learned in 2011

-you really can change your life if you really want to
-bad things can happen to good people
-I can not be there for everyone
-Life can be hard
-Stress in my worst enemy
-Growing up is ok I will survive being a disgusting grown up as kayla would say
-someone can make me a smile even if they are a day away
-hearts can hurt so bad but somehow you still can breath
-I can ignore dumb people but when the dumb people hurt my family in some way I have a harder time letting it go

Thankful for

brain activity

Later on I will post favorite pictures from 2011

thank you all for reading my blogs that I have written.

Thank you for keeping my cousin Kenzie in your prayers and my friends Dad (John LaPierre) as well. You all have made it more possible to breath on the unbearable and rolling out of bed days. Thank you again and I hope you all have a safe and fun new years. Remember don't get behind a wheel if you have been drinking. Not worth it and BUCKLE UP!!

1 comment:

  1. My heart is bursting with how much I freaking love you!
