Thursday, October 6, 2011


Most of you read Kayla (Kenzie's older sister) blog. Amazing does not even begin to describe these blogs. She is so brave to come out with ALL of her feelings. I talk to her on a daily basis and we speak of how each other are feeling that day. We don't usually describe the day as a good or bad day its usually like its a crying day or its not. I am proud of Kayla for fighting her darkest feelings. Until you have been in her shoes you can not even to begin how her heart feels. To judge her is foolish. She is her own human being and her feelings are real. Kayla has lost her best friend in the whole world. She has lost the one person in the world that never judged her for whatever she did or said. Her and Kenzie loved each other unconditionally. They were not just blood sister..they were SOUL sisters.  I feel very protective over Kayla. I love her so much and I do not and can not picture being where she is. I have lost my cousin but that is nothing compareable to what Kayla has lost. I think her blog has been a great escape for her and a great thing for other people to read. Because she covers so many "dark" areas that people don't want to face and she throws them in your face. She lets you into her breaking heart. She is fearless...

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