Monday, October 3, 2011

Kayla and Kenzie

If you know me then you know I am HUGE into family. Its one of the most important things in my life. I like to plan get togethers so that I can see everyone because I LOVE my whole family with my whole heart!!

Growing up I have always been the baby in the family I am even the youngest when it comes to my siblings..

So when Kayla came around I was sooo excited.

Katie, Kayla, Grandma Mona!!

Growing up I loved seeing Kayla. I even remember holidays spending with her and the one time she got to stay the night at my house. Kayla has always amazed me. I've always known she was amazing person with a great big heart. Before the accident Kayla was figuring out the person she was. She came out to family and friends that she was in love with her best friend Starr..I like to call her Starr-ific, taking time off from school, moving out of state and learning to really make it on "her" own. Its a scary world. She has always been close to her family. So I understand that moving more then 6 hours from home can be fun and scary at the same time. So happy that she made all these transitions to find out who you are. Lets face it I am 25 and I am still learning who I am..very proud of her!  (THIS IS KAYLAS BLOG READ IT!!)

Then there is Kenzie. The things I remember the most of her when we were younger is thinking she was so cute. I loved that people would say we looked alike. I remember sitting at her house and her hiding behind me from my dad. I remember her cute little smile and playing in the house in the back yard at their house.

As Kenzie got older the more I adored her. She really just enjoyed life. I can not express that enough. She was out enjoying life with friends, sister, and her parents. She loved her house, blue mt dew and music. I always found out new songs with the lyrics she would post of myspace and facebook. I thought man my cousin is such a cool kid. I loved looking at her new pictures she would post on facebook. I love the puddle jumping pictures. Most of her pictures looked like she didn't have a care in the world was just enjoying it. And I always thought she was older then she was. I was always surprised at her "real" age. She was wise beyong her 16 years.

Theres a lot more I could say about her. But I am sure most everyone has heard about all these amazing things about Kenzie. I loved that she cussed, that she didn't like everyone and she was ok to like a little bit of everything. She rocked at life..plain and simple..

The one thing that Kenzie loved is her sister Kayla...

Their relationship is what most sisters wants. You want your sister to be your bestfriend the person you can tell everything too. My sister is 11 years older then me so our relationship is different then theirs. I love my sister and I tell her everything. We had a different relationship and I love our relationship.

Kayla and Kenzie are sisters they are silly arguements we will not call them fights because they weren't fights. And if no matter what Kayla would have Kenzies back and Kenzie would have Kaylas. They talked everyday and if you don't believe me go check out facebook. You can see some of their conversations right there. Their love is one you can not deny and one you can not belittle. They are their own people but when they are together its a force not to reckon with. Seeing them at family events and how they love on each other was really heartwarming. To see the things they say and post of each other makes you want to sing out loud. LOVE.

I miss that the most. I miss Kayla having her best friend. I miss Kaylas heart being full. I miss her posting on Kenzie's page. And I miss Kenzie telling her sister that she missed her and her to get her butt home. I think I might miss that the most more then anything. Kayla loves Kenzie. I know Kenzie would still pick Kayla over anyone. You go to her room and talk about Kayla and she will more then likely perk up. Not even a brain engery can break this bond.


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