Friday, March 9, 2012

Weekend with Kenzie

I recently went to Great Falls to sit with Kenzie while Randy and Soni went to do grown up things.

The first night I got there i caught up with aunt Soni and Uncle Randy and they went over the "routine" and showed me where everything is. Kenzie was awake and I actually got to hear her. It is crazy to go so long without hearing anything and to hear that sweet noise. It makes all your terrible days go away just hear something you did not know if you were going to be able to hear again. After Kenzie went to bed I went off to my friends house to also get some sleep. 

The next morning I got there and she was wide awake because they thought it was a good idea to wake her up at 6 a.m. with ice. I think we should go wake these people up way early with ice and see how they like it :) . She was very talktibve (she doesn't actually talk but she looks like she is talking by moving her mouth a whole lot) we talked about her sister, Taylor and her boyfriend, I told her about my newly ex boyfriend..we both decided boys are big idiots (that is the nice word we will use). Then I could tell she was getting sleepy so she took a nap. After awhile I went to have lunch and shower. When I got back the cna's put Kenzie in her chair. Now this process is fun to watch you have to communicate with each other. I  wish I could ask Kenzie how she enjoys this little ride she goes on everyday. After we got her ready me and Kenzie went to BiNGo. We were a little late but caught up and almost won. we were off by one. It was nice to just get out of that small room. Then we decided to go check out the hospital and leave the nursing home for a bit. Which I think was good for both of us. That day Kenzie seemed to be crabby but I don't she was feeling very good. The rest of the day we took it easy and watched tv. Uncle Randy came back early so I left to visit with my friends that let me stay there everytime I stay in Great Falls.

The next day I got there a little late and I actually napped with kenzie most of my visit. It was nice to lay in bed with her. I never understood Aunt Soni's love of laying in bed with Kenzie. But to hold her hand and just snuggle with her just I dunno it was a great feeling. Very soothing and everything in the world felt right as I slept. I slept so peacefully and I can't wait to nap with her again.

The next mornining I got there and we decided to watch some movies. We watched Breaking Dawn and Say Anything. During these movies I plucked her eyebrows and painted her toe nails. When doing anything you have to time it just right with her because every two hours they come in and turn her and change her. So this took the time of both movies just with trying not to be in the way of the CNA's. Again we went for another walk around the hosptial we went to the bridge and sat in the sun for an hour. It was refreshing to get some sun on the skin. Kenzie looked very relaxed everytime sunshine was on her.

I do good most times I am in the nursing home and don't usually cry anymore. But for some reason the last day I had a hard time. I had the door shut most of the day. Being there for more then a day I got to see what life is sort of like for Kenzie. All the noises and smells she has to deal with everyday. It is heartbreaking to hear people screaming (they don't do it all the time) and the looks of confusion on peoples face. I've always kind of wondered why they wanted to move home so bad because life is going to be really hard. But after just experiencing just a weekend there I fully understand it now. To have to always sit in that little room and never fully have privacy is difficult to deal with.

I think the staff was happy when Randy and Soni came back because they really do most of the care for Kenzie.

People like to tell me that I am amazing but the real people that are the most amazing people in this whole ordeal is my aunt and uncle. I have seen amazing transformations of them as individuals, a couple, and parents. Their life has changed forever. They have had to make some of the biggest decisions that any parent should EVER have to make. I hope that no one ever has to go through this situation. and I just want them to know that I love them very much and I am soo proud of them. And everyday I am happy for the choices they have made. For the people that thought that it was unfair to keep her alive she is slowly coming back to us. Little by little. 

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