Sunday, March 18, 2012

My Kenzie Update

Some days its hard to concentrate on my daily life and that makes sleeping pointless.

I miss her a ton. I can't even begin to tell you what I miss the most. I just miss her.

Lately I been getting a lot of messages from people asking me how she is doing because they are not around a lot. So here is an update on Kenzie.

This is from what I see and my opion of how she is doing and what I have seen while being there.

As weird as this may sound to some of people I still get asked if she is awake. Yes, Kenzie is no longer in a coma. She has points where she is awake and points where she is sleeping. For the most part Kenzie doesn't have both eyes open. Her left eye seems to want to be shut whereas the right eye seems to always be open. She smiles. She also makes mad faces. She really only uses the left side of her face to do these...that is why we call it the Elvis. she stretches where she has to use her whole body to move. She will once in awhile do things when asked. She coughs and throws her whole body into it. When she is in the wheel chair this can be interesting when she does it in front of people. Because sometimes she won't put her head back. She is stubborn and doesn't always listen. They recently learned that you can hear Kenzie. This is the most beautiful thing. I never knew if we would ever get to hear Kenzie again. She is not doing sentences and not even saying real words. The best way to describe Kenzie is like an infant. She is now like a 6 month old baby where she is starting to learn things and every little new thing that she does no matter how small it is. It makes you want to cry with pride.

Thats all I know about how Kenzie is doing. Our girl is still in there and she is a fighter. Ever since she came out of the coma I knew that she was still in there and that she recongnizes people.I think she knows voices and definatly names. When she is excited about something or has some imput she moves her mouth a lot like she really is trying to talk. When I pluke her eyebrows she doesn't make her angry face or anything. She lays there very calm. And trust me she lets you know when she is mad. But what 16 year old wants a unibrow. So I yes I believe that my cousin is in there fighting to come back to us. She wants it just as much as we do. But all of us including her need to be patient. Her brain has been very traumatized and its working hard to heal itself. As hard as it is. Its better to wait then to not have her at all.

I miss her.

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