Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The are of being Patient

Lately my life consists of working out, working, looking for bands, and trying to get everything else figured out. I feel pretty distant from my family lately. But I think I may finally have enough bands and still have room for a few more. My pants seem to be to big for me :).

Recently I went to a fundraiser for a lady that got hit by a car. She is now at craigs in Denver.she looked really good seemed to be sitting up and talking. She skyped with the crowd. I felt a pain because I was jealous. Its a terrible feeling to feel in a situation like this. But after taking a step back I know that its a normal feeling to feel. I am so happy for her family that they get a miracle.

Its almost 7 months and our girl is becoming stronger. She is getting her speech therpy back. this makes my heart soar and my faith and hope seem stronger. All those painful months seem like a lifetime ago with the thought of her possibly ssspeaking, laughing, or just making noise.

Being patient has been tough. In our world now things happen so fast. So waiting for 7 months has been a tester on peoples emotions, feelings, and relationships. I am excited to see how much more she has progressed in 7 months.

Thank you all for the prayers and positive thoughts. Thank you  will never express how thankful I am for these.

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