Friday, May 11, 2012

Next Stop Off the Crazy Train..Is Katies Mind

I decided to write a blog so I could try to stay awake to switch laundry. I am fighting myself to stay awake. I feel like this week was such a waste and I got nothing done that I am suppose to get done. There is not enough hours in a day, and there is not enough Katie to go around anymore. I am getting to my breaking point. Which for those of you that don't know me, just really means I am overly tired. My brain can no longer function. Which in turn makes for a dramatic, senstive, emotional, and crabby Katie. In other words I am a girl in junior high. Just kidding. I can joke like that because I WAS a junior high girl at one point in my life. This week I moved out of my house into a new house while working 8 hours a day, going to gym for at least an hour and half, and trying to keep on track with the fundraiser. I feel like I accomplished nothing. And now here I sit blogging at 1030 at night so I can get laundry finished because if I have to unpack one more thing I will go crazy. On top of all that I have a baby shower to plan and trying to help with the family reunion I started. I am having a hard time remembering everything and remembering what I told people to do or not to do. I finally got my thanks your made and letter wrote for the paper. Yah, it almost took me a whole month but at least it got done. I am getting phone calls/emails made for the bar catering portion of the Shake It For Kenzie event. The food is up in the air but I think I have a back up plan now. I honestly just want to get this stuff out of the way so I can enjoy my summer a little and not stress too much. I am still looking for an emcee, who knows maybe I will have to do that. Which means I will have to at least have a drink of vodka and a shot of fire ball..Just kidding. I will find someone. I am way better with the bands now. I feel more confident in it. And thank you to my Cousin Tyler for agreeing to do the sound for the event. That is a huge relief for me!! :) I have a ton of people that want to do certain things for the event. And I apologize right now if you are reading this. It takes time because I have to get everything approved from the Zoo because I can put an ok on anything. Rules are rules..and for some reason I enjoy rules. This blog is turning into a little to-do list for me. I hope you are enjoying being inside my head. When we were doing the prom..I couldn't sleep because I was dreaming of the Shake It For Kenzie fundraiser. This fundraiser is a HUGE deal to ME! not really my family or anything. This is a challenge for me and I feel like this is going to tell people whether I can really do something or not. This is terrifying who wants to fail infront of your friends, family, and the public. Not I! This can eventually change lives. Not only am I wanting to raise money but to raise awareness of how this can be prevented. There is reasons we have seat belts, helmets, speed limitis, laws and regulations. These were not invented to make peoples lives more complicated more to save them and protect them as best as possible. Accidents happen, and sometimes things can not be prevented. But, in most cases they can. Next time you get ready to make some poor decision think about your family and friends. Think about you would feel if you lost them and would you want them to put you through that pain. If the answer is no, then do them a favor and treat them with the same respect and don't make that poor decision. Like if you want to go ride your mortorcycle, do not go without a t-shirt, closed toe shoes, a HELMET, and don't have this attitude that cars need to watch you. That my friend is both of your responsibility. Remember think smart and treat people with respect.

1 comment:

  1. Just breathe Katie and try to take some time for yourself! Know that family,friends & even random people are soo soo proud of what you are doing and accomplishing with these events...have a drink and kick your feet up :) love you & miss you very very much
