Monday, December 19, 2011

If you tell the truth about how you're feeling, it becomes funny

Nervous breakdowns at work are the worst. Not knowing why you are having one makes them harder.

I hate this time of year. I hate the cold. I hate missing people. I hate feeling sorry for myself.

As terrible as it sounds....I want my life back.

I sound selfish.

I want the accident to never have happened.

I don't want to feel sad or lost. I want Kenzie to see new pics of Kenzie and her friends be silly. I want to see her silly facebook drama. I want her to text me back. I want to know whats going thru her brain.

Being selfish is not a terrible thing.

I feel like a zombie.

I enjoy people watching. My job is great for this. Seeing couples reunite, soliders come home, familes seeing each other for the first time in years. I love it all. Lately as I watch these people I feel like they can see inside me and you can almost see some kind of sadness in their eyes. I feel like a different person lately. I can't even pin point to you whats going on.

My chest fills heavy. My heart feels like its beating at an uncomfortable slow rate.

Everyone has terrible things in their life. I understand that. Thats why feeling like this feels.....seems crazy. pointless. idiotic?

I know that I will find myself and I wont feel lost.

Seeing your family and the people you LOVE the most hurt and not have a way to fix that is what breaks my heart. I wish I had the soultion to make it go away.

I am slowly learning I can't do everything. I can't make everyone happy. Blogging is like my therpay. I only post because I know I am not the only person out there that feels this way.

"Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have" -Dave Carniege

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