Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Happy Holidays

Its been 5 months I can sit here and write something depressing but its the holidays.

Christmas is a stressful time of year for most families to try to please their families. Someday on these holidays the people you are trying to please are probably are only going to wish you were with them for the holidays. They would give back all the presents just to have you back.

This year take a break from all the spending and take some time to actually hang out with  your family get to know them again. It seems that time goes by way to fast and we lose people to soon.

I have so many blessings. I have so many amazing people in my life.

First my parents. I don't think God could of gave me better parents. They love me even when I make stupid choices. They love me for me and never try to make me someone else they never have. They have supported me through everything and have loved me and my brother and sister as much as possible. They have shown me what LOVE actually is and someday I hope to meet a man that will be able to show our kids this love also.

My brother and sister are both older then me and growing up have been apart of my life every step. If I need help, advice, a shot of vodka or just a hug I know I can call them. Heather and Shane have both choice amazing spouses that I also have friendships with. Jack and Jeni are really like a new brother and sister. (Jeni's family has been amazing and has welcomed me into their family as well) Along with Jeni and Jack they blessed me with Colter, Jordan and Brodey. My neice and nephews really do bring joy to my life with just a smile. (this also goes for my other neice and nephews-Maggee, Jack, Lorynn, Taylor, and Baby Coby)

My Grandma Teresa who comes once a year to see us in Montana. She is a little ball of fire. I enjoy giving her a hard time. Shes a tiny little Mexican woman and I dare you to try not to love her. My grandma is probably the only person on my moms side that I actually know anything about. And I am very thankful to have her in my life I can't imagine not having my grandma Teresa.

Grandma and Grandpa Zarn. I love going to visit them I always want to fall asleep on their couch I feel the  safest when I am in that at house. Its like the world doesn't matter once you are there. My grandpa is my hero and like my favorite person. I don't know what its about it him but I can't help but love him. He's a cute old man and watching him get older has been heart breaking and lovely. Him and grandma have seen so much in their life and they are still married have 5 children and numerous grandchildren. My grandma seems to never get older. I don't know how she does it.

When I was  younger the Zarn clan go together a lot more then we do now. But as the children are getting older and moving out we seem to see less and less of each other. But I will always cherish my childhood memories with all my uncles, aunts and cousins.

After the accident I have gotten to know my cousins a little more then I have. I have always been close to my cousin John, Cat, and Tanya. And I did randomly talk to Kayla but after the accident mine and Kaylas relationship has grown. I know that I can tell her anything. Her and Starr have really found a special place in my heart this year. My cousin Eric and his wife Connie have been amazing and I have finally gotten to know Connie more. It is really nice to get know your family more. I look forward to continue the relationships that I have with my family.

My friends this year have been so amazing. I had friends that drove to Lewistown to help support me. Thank you Bo, Scott, Joe, Ashley and Ced. (Don't worry I won't say your nickname on here). It really did mean a lot to me. The LaPierre girls buying bracelets and just being great friends! Heidi I loved the card you really are an amazing friend. Ashley for coming to be my co-pilot in all my silly adventures.

To all the strangers who have become family to us Zarns, there really are no words to describe how amazing you are to make us feel loved during this hard time. Thank you for everything.



  1. Merry Christmas to you all!

  2. Merry Christmas Katie. We dont know each other but I know Randy, Soni, Kayla, Kenzie. I worked with Soni at Small Wonder. Anywhoooo..... Wanted to Wish You A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year! God Bless ..... Cindy
