Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Accident

I been debating since Halloween time whether I wanted to blog about the accident I was involved in or not.

Here we go..I was coming down a hill coming into Lewistown and there were two vehicles parked on the side of the road (one I did not see until way tooooo late). I tried to slow down so there was enough room for me, the vehicle on the side and the on coming vehicle (mind you it was snowing pretty good too). I ended up losing control of the vehicle. Went in to the ditch. This is when I saw the second vehicle. Outside of the vehicle there were two boys talking to the driver and not looking at me coming. I couldn't control my vehicle what so ever. I tried stopping. I prayed. I cussed. I screamed. I shut my eyes. When my vehicle came to a stop I couldn't open my door fast enough. Falling out of my car thinking I just killed one possibly two people. I can not describe the feeling I felt at that moment. But for a minute (which felt like a lifetime) I thought my world had just stopped because I ruined a families world. One boy came over to ask if I was ok. I got out and was screaming making sure everyone was ok. Next I know the truck that I hit was saying "We got to get out of here" and like that they almost hit my car and were gone. I stood there in shock and relief. The boys helped me get more off the high way and then they soon left. So here i am sitting wondering what the heck to do. Of course I called 911 and sat there for about an hour or more talking. The truck eventually called in the wreck is also.

All night I wondered about the car that drove away..were they drinking? Were they some where they were not suppose to be? Did they have a license? Were the scared? ARE THEY OK?!?!

The next morning one of the mothers got my uncles number and calle him and wanted to talk to me. I had to think about it most of the day. What do I say to kids that left me and didn't stay to make sure that I was ok.

My thought process was long. I thought of Kenzie...but mostly I thought of the driver of Kenzie's accident..

This is what I told the girls that called to apolgized for leaving me. (I left some things out)

First thank you for stepping up and apologizing I appreicate it. I am sure you know who my cousin is and what happened to her. I want you to understand what happened last night could of been bad, it could of turned out really bad. If Kenzies driver of the accident would of got scared and just left her there..Kenzie would not be alive. She saved Kenzies life that night. There are so many other possibilities of what could of happened to me that night. Not only that, if you guys would of been hurt I would of felt so awful for hitting you. This ended alright and now you need to take this expeience and learn from it.

I really do hope that those girls do learn from that experince and no matter what if that happens again they stay on the scene.

I want to take a moment to Thank the driver of Kenzies accident. Something terrible happened to that night. More than two lives were changed that night. One is being publicly documented for the whole world to see. the other life has to take the grunt of it. Some may not agree with me in what I am saying, but thats ok, you can't really ever understand what that girl is going through. She could of stayed in the car or stayed there and just screamed. Instead she looked for Kenzie found her and called 911. I just want to thank you for being responsible and doing that. How she found Kenzie was awful. Imagine your best friend not moving, not knowing if she is breathing, bloodm and skin missing. Now imagine you are 16. So thank you for saving her that night and giving us a chance to keep Kenzie.

and to those girls the night of my accident. I am sorry for that night.

Someday I would like to travel to schools and talk to kids about the dangers of driving carelessly. You grow up thinking that bad things don't happen to good people. You grow up and realize why everyone tried to hold on to your youth for you.

 Life can be beautiful and it can be so beauitfully miserable also where you wonder how you are still standing.


  1. Good for you for writing this. I was an EMT on a rural ambulance service and saw much death from vehicle accidents. Follow your heart and talk to those school kids...there are lots of resources you can get (pics, videos, etc.) to teach these kids. How is Kenzie doing ?

  2. That’s quite a moving story, Katie. It’s just good that the driver was brave enough to face the consequences and didn’t leave Kenzie. Otherwise, we might hear a different kind of story.

    Maggie @Mastragelo Law Offices
