Friday, July 6, 2012

525 948.766 minutes

Its almost been a year. Next Wenesday it will be a year since the accident.

I can still remember the night like it was yesterday...

A year hasn't it made it eaiser. If anything a year has made it harder. I have learned to keep a smile on my face as I tell the story. I have learned to recite the accident over and over again. I have learned how to answer the same question over and over again without crying or getting frustrated.

One accident can change true that statement is.

My life choices have changed. I have grown up and realized that I need to make not only smart choices for myself but for my loved ones.

I think that bad things happen to everyone. I do not think my familys story is any worse or any less than anyones. It breaks my heart everyday to think of the life that was lost. To think of the possibilities there were for McKenzie. She was barley 16 when the accident happened. She barley had started her life.

But again you all know this..

A year has gone by and the number of people Kenzie's story has touched is heart warming. I still meet people that tell me they Pray for her. The support from complete strangers has really made me want to be a better person.

With all that said I would still stop the world if I could,just to have her back. To have her long brown hair, to see her in her cowboy boots and to see a cheesy grin on that freckeled face again.

A year has gone by and I think I miss her more than ever. My heart is very heavy this week and it seems like a struggle to put on the brave face I have tried to have this past year. It being a year all the feelings of that first week come back. The nights where I cried all night and would call her phone. The feeling of not believing it was really happening. The thought of thinking she was just going to wake up and be ok. The day I realized that was not going to happen. I can still smell the ICU room, see Nurse's facial expression, and I can see her there with wires everywhere. This makes me dizzy all over again and my world seems so tiny again.

My world has changed and I have learned not to be such a selfish person. This hasn't been a "I have found God" expeience. This has been a I want to be a better person experience. Maybe God was never lost in my life?

If I could give you one honest and simple piece of advice it would be this. Next time you are about to make a bad decision...whether it be riding a bike (motorcycle, bicycle..ect) with out a helmet, get behind the wheel after a few drinks, don't put on a seat belt, speed, drive tired or anything else...think about your loved ones. Think twice!

To put someone through this pain in awful. I would never in a million years wish for any mother or father have to make a decision to keep their child alive or not or any family member/loved one for that matter. Don't think about you as you make a selfish simple choice next time. How would you feel if they were the ones that did not make a smart choice and you had to deal with the consequences? Be safe and smart and make good choces. Accidents happen make the right choices so they aren't deadly.

The girls made two poor choices that day to speed and not wear a seat belt that day. Something awful happened and more than two lives were affected that day.

At first it was about raising money to help my family. Raising awareness for the cause has become so dear and close to my heart. It is something that I am very passionate about. This Shake It For Kenzie fundraiser at the Zoo next Saturday is just the start of helping raise the awareness for something affects millions of families. I meet someone at least every other week that has a story. I am excited to be giving back and spreading the word. Here is the organization we are donating too

With that being said I hope to see you all out at Zoo Montana in Billings on July 14th! We have 7 (possibly 8) live acts! and we will have food and soft drinks from Qdoba. And some Yellowstone Valley Brewing Company Beer there and some yard games families can play. This all kicks off at 3 pm. look forward to seeing you all there!!!

if you want to purchase tickets you can purchase them through me Katie (4068604190) I accept checks, cash and paypal. or you can stop in at the Zoo or at Yellowstone Valley Brewing Company here in Billings! I will be out at Dehler Park this Sunday (July 8th)starting at 5:30 selling tickets and just chating with people about our cause at Koncerts For Kidz. Its a free event for the whole family that is put on by the Brain Injury Support Group of Billings. Come check it out and say hello to me!

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