Friday, February 17, 2012


Over the last 25 (getting closer to 26) years of my life I have experienced this so called "broken heart" feeling. Today as I was thinking about how sad I could be about certain recent events I realized that there is no reason to have this feeling. I have learned some great knowledge about me as a person. I am strong and I am not afriad to acknowledge that. Oddly enough I have learned to mourn over certain things and "move on."

With that said my heart still hurts for Kenzie and the rest of the people who have "broken heart" sydrome. As days go by and she gets a little better its eaiser to smile without feeling guilt. But there are still those days where listening to the radio is  unbearable because some country song or Lil Wayne song will come on and it will take all I have not to cry. People wearing some silly outfit with cowboy boots makes my heart sad. Somedays I just cry nothing really triggers it. 

I miss her everyday, its a different kind of heart break that I haven't felt before. Its not like a break up. Its not like someone died. Its somewhere in between. Missing someone who is alive but can't speak to you. But yet they didn't choose to stop talking to you. Its so confusing and hard to understand my feeling sometimes. Its not something you can just get over. It's just heart breaking. 

1 comment:

  1. I almost cried.... great way to put this this is.... ahhh speechless
