Thursday, September 12, 2013

Jason Aldean

Since the last fundraiser I have felt some what of a failure. I know that I shouldn't, but I do. 

After the fundraiser I kind of just let myself go for a bit. I have really not thought about another fundraiser. I know I will continue but I really just needed a break. I needed a break from it all. I needed a break from being ME. I felt like I disappointed a lot of people including myself and that was something that I needed to escape. So for awhile I went through the motions of life and that is about as far as I went.

My best friend graduated Law School and I had been planning this trip to Vegas with her and friends to celebrate her huge accomplishments. After the fundraiser I thought about canceling the trip. I really felt like I just didn't deserve to go among other things. Then I thought about how bummed Jenna would be and how bummed I would be. So I went. While we were there we went to Toby Keiths "I Love This Bar" and guess who came is JASON ALDEAN. Now this will mean something to some and others it will mean nothing.

When I saw him the first thought that came in to my mind was Kenzie. I wanted to cry, but who wants to hang out with their crying friend at a country bar. So I did really good and didn't get into the sad details with anyone. Anytime I hear one of his songs I think of Kenzie, not because she is a huge fan. Because this is the last memory I have the "real" Kenz. We met at the concert. She came and drug me to the front row. We laughed, screamed, and sang. I stood with her in line as she got a shirt because there were enough boys trying to hit on her that I figured she needed her big bad cousin to protect her. So my love for Jason Aldean has to do with my love for my cousin. No one will ever know how much I cherish that night and that memory of her.

So when I saw him I got emotional. And as we were leaving I decided to stay and wait for some friends. Well as I was walking to the other casino to play this fun machine. I actually literally ran into Jason. All I wanted to do was text Kenzie actually call her and tell her. But instead I smiled to myself and thought about the memories and realized that I need to get over the sadness and disappointment and move on. Maybe some year we can raise a ton of money and get Jason Aldaen or Kenny Chesney to come play at the Shake It For Kenzie. Wouldn't that be a dream come true?!

I decided that I should write this blog after reading past blogs. Its been my motto since the accident to not let the sadness take over my life. I worked very very hard at it and why stop now.

I hope you all had a fun and safe summer.

Until next time take care kids

Much love-
Cousin Katie

Pictures from the fun at the "I love This Bar"