Monday, October 1, 2012

My Trip To Helena

I can not begin to thank you to the 35 people that took the time to write a letter. The words that you said brought tears to my eyes but warmth to my heart. This is something I never expected to win an award for. This is my family and something that has grown very close to my heart. What are you suppose to do when times get tough? Stick together and the kick the butt out of the problem?

Thank you to Lorna Palin and Kayla Zarn for taking the time and getting so many people to write. very good job at keeping it a secret.

It was so nice to be able to spend time with my family (including Twyla and Bill).

Wait lets get off track for a second. I can not say Thank YOU enough for Twyla and Bill coming into MY life. Anytime I need help with anything she is the FIRST person to come to my side. There is a lot of things that I would not have been able to do if it wasn't for Twyla. Theres a few things that she has done that she doesn't want acknowledgement for. Which kills me. I think Twyla should of deserved this award not me. She started the first fundraiser without even meeting my family. Again I can not put into words how much Twyla and her family mean to me!

ok back on track...
Getting time to spend quality time with my family was very nice. Aunt Soni came without the family. Cousin Tanya came with out her family gang as well. It was nice for them to be able to come be individuals again and get to spend some time!

So after dinner they start the awards. When they announce the 35 letters. My family gets super excited I am sure I turn red and get anxious. They announce my name and I go up there. LOL wrong move! (thats what the last person did) I figured my speech thing was short...well nope, I had to sit up there while he read the two page paper. Everyone cried, I wanted to, but I have learned how to hide my emotions over the past year. The guy had mentioned as he read the paper that I needed to get a job with them.

They gave me a copy of all the letters. I can not begin to thank the people. Like I said they made me tear up. here is some examples what was said...

My name is ******. I would like to nominate Katie Zarn for the award. Her cousin’s name is Kenzie Zarn. She was in a very bad car accident last year and has suffered really bad brain damage. I have brain damage too, but not because of an accident. I was born with brain damage. I am 41 years old, and I just got to meet Katie Zarn last week at the ZooMontana. Katie was doing a fundraiser for Kenzie and so more people would know about Traumatic Brain Injuries. Katie let my Mom take a picture of Katie and me. Katie is one of my heroes because she cares about people like me and Kenzie, and does something all the time to help. I am sorry if I don’t make sense. My Mom let me write my own letter, and sometimes I get mixed up.
Thank you.

"I have known Katie for about 5 years. When I first met Katie, she was just another person. I didn't look at her and see someone that was a huge inspiration or someone that would go on to change hundreds of people's lives. To me, she wasnt anything special.

Now, 5 years later, that view point has changed. I look at Katie and I see someone who took the time to help. When the rest of the family was in survival mode, trying to remember how to breathe, Katie started to change lives."

"I am writing this in regards to Katie Zarn. Although I don't know her personally I already took up to her at a distance. In the face of adversity and tragedy she has held strong and taken hold of an opportunity to change other people's lives."

"Katie inspires people to be better people, she reminds everyone that just because your friend or family member has had a brain injury doesn't change the fact that they are warm loving humans that need friendships love and support!"

"The accident would have torn apart most families but the Zarns are different. What could have caused them all to scatter only served to bring them closer. One of the most amazing aspects of their family dynamic is "Cousin Katie" and her get out there and do something attitude. Katie has organized events to raise funds to raise awareness for Traumatic Brain Injuries, not just for her cousin Kenzie but for anyone who is affected by these life altering events.

This girl is a machine; I have no idea where she gets her energy and drive but I believe that it's safe bet to say it stems from love her cousin, loyalty to her family and a desire to fight for a cause she truly believes in."

"Being a leader is always doing what's right, even if you're not always acknowledged for it."

"She is an Angel, and a huge inspiration to me and to all who know her. Her love and devotion to family knows no bounds. I know Kenzie is very proud of Katie, and lobed her dearly."

"When tragedy happens, especially to a loved one, someone you've grown up with and care about more than anything. all you want to do is crawl up in a little ball and hide away from the world that is crumbling in on you. You don't want to think, you just want it all to stop. Some shut out everyone and everything to get by. Instead, Katie took her pain from her cousin's terrible accident and put all her energy into not only fighting for her cousin but also others in the same condition. Katie has gone about and beyond what is expected of a victim's grieving family member to bring some light to a dark situation."

"Katie is an extremely driven caring person who has risen above and beyond what I would have ever expected or have witnessed in many other individuals or organizations."

"In just one year Katie has managed to teach me to think of others more, be a better friend and person, and to have more fun with life because you never know when you won't have the chance anymore"

"Katie has taken a terrible tragedy and done her best to make something positive come out of it."

"Katie volunteered a huge portion of her timd to her help her family. Not because she had to, or because she would hope to be recognized for it, but because she loves her cousin and her family with all her heart. That's the only reason she needed. And feel that's a huge reason why she is worthy of this honor"

"I want to start this off by saying that I do not personally know Katie Zarn. Although, despite this fact all that she is and has done her family has touched me deeply, and that really speaks volumes for her character."

there is a lot more but some of them would give away who wrote it. here is a sample of what was written.

I am very touched. I am lucky girl to have you all in my life.

With this comes great sadness. I pray everyday that no one has to go through this nightmare.

Photos from the event!

Remember be smart and protect that brain of yours!!!